List of Financial Support

Admission and Tuition Fee Exemption

Applicable to undergraduate and graduate students.

Japan Student Services Organization Scholarships for Japanese students

JASSO Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International students

◆Application for the Long Term Enrollment System

Osaka University offers “the Long Term Enrollment System” applicable under the certain conditions. Only those who will be apparently unable to complete his/her course in the Graduate School during the pre-determined period (for example, engaging in any occupations, being pregnant, caring for children and family) is allowed to apply for this system, in case his/her research activity is duly certified to be beneficial and necessary in the longer educational range. Please contact us for details.

◆Support Through Graduate Education Programs

    • Program for Leading Graduate Schools

◆Various support projects by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

    • Osaka University Next Generation Researchers Development Project

◆Support from the Osaka University Graduate School of Economics

    • Graduate School of Economics Researcher Training Fund “Road to Ph.D (R2PhD)” For undergraduate students who intend or plan to pursue a doctoral course in the future (application required while still an undergraduate).

◆Employment at Osaka University

    • Teaching Assistant (TA) and Teaching Fellow (TF) System applicable to undergraduate and graduate students.

    • Research Assistant (RA) System applicable to graduate students. This system aims to develop researchers by involving graduate students in specific research projects, while also providing financial support to enrich their student life.

◆Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Programs

    • Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC2, DC1) applicable to graduate students.

◆Other Information

Scholarships and research grants for current students will be announced as needed on the internal message board (KOAN message Board) after enrollment.

Note: Applications are only available to regular students. Research students, special research students, non-degree students, and special auditor are not eligible to apply.

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